Sign Up for Special Offers - Coupons - Discounts (New Hamburg Hockey Association)

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Take Advantage of Savings from our NHHA Sponsors

NHHA sponsors may occasionally extend special offers, exclusive coupons, or member discounts to our NHHA players and their families.  Canadian anti-spam laws dictate that we can't email these offers to our members without permission, so all you need to do is sign up to receive them!

Submit the Promotional Email Consent form to take advantage of awesome benefits from our sponsors.

Your email will never be given out to any business or organization. All promotional emails will be sent from NHHA and your information will be kept completely private. All you are doing with this form is specifying which email address(es) you want offers to be sent to, and giving consent for us to send you those offers.  There is NO OBLIGATION to accept any coupon or offer, but you will only see what's available if you sign up!  You can revoke your consent at any time by simply requesting to be removed from the mailing list.  If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to email [email protected] 

Examples of offers from sponsors that can benefit NHHA members:
- Exclusive coupons for 25% off total purchase, or buy-one-get-one offers. These coupons will only be sent by email and cannot be accessed by the general public. Don't miss out!
- Special events for NHHA players and their families
- Season-long member discounts that can save you money on anything from a family dinner to hockey equipment to personal training! Notification of discounts available will only be sent by email, so you won't know what you're missing unless you sign up.