Parent Meeting / Player Social - Sunday Oct 16, News, Midget Rep, U18, 2011-2012 (New Hamburg Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2011-2012 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 11, 2011 | Matt Wilhelm | 820 views
Parent Meeting / Player Social - Sunday Oct 16
To Midget Rep Parents and Players,

Please mark your calendars for a team social after our game on Sunday, Oct 16 at the Wilhelm's, 168 Shephard Place, NH at 6:30 pm.  We'll order some pizzas for everyone and if families could bring a munchie and drinks for your family, that would be appreciated.

Rep fees of $275 are payable by cheque to "New Hamburg Midget Rep" and need to be submitted at this meeting.   We will review our season plan, team budget, tournaments and answer any questions you may have.

Thanks in advance for attendance....  Midget Rep Coaching Staff.