Welcome to our 2016/2017 Intiation, News, Learn to Play Blue, U7 Initiation, 2016-2017 (New Hamburg Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 20, 2016 | IP Convenor | 1143 views
Welcome to our 2016/2017 Intiation
The start of the Initiation Program is just a few weeks away.  We are still looking for individuals that would be interested in being Head Coaches for practices at the Fundamental age and Learn To Play (please let me know ASAP) . We still need lots of on ice helpers at all 3 levels, especially with the Fundamental Group. These players need the most support to develop...please contact me ASAP if you are able to help out and I will provide details about what credentials are needed.

******To all first year players to New Hamburg Minor Hockey – one parent from each family must complete the RESPECT IN SPORT for Parents --the link is below and can also be found under the Initiation/Novice Tab at the top of the website – it will take about 1 hour to complete.  This is also Mandatory for all parents new to the program!  More information is on the website. Cost is $12 and if you completed last season or have another older boy you do not need to complete again .   http://newhamburghockey.com/Pages/5106/Respect_in_Sport_-_Parent/ 

Rob McBeth who has been involved in our program for the last few years will also be helping me out this year with getting coaches set up, communication and player movement.

A few things you need to know.  The website is now updated to show our regular ice times: (please ensure you double check for any changes prior to ice times listed below)   The schedule for the evaluations is also on the website and they get started September 24th at 7am and 8am please check the website for your time. (A to L is 7am and M to Z are at 8am)   Our initiation program on the NHHA Team websites are Fundamentals, Learn to Play, Pre-Novice Blue and  Pre-Novice Black   The evaluation skates  allow the coaching staff to place players in the appropriate division based on the overall skill level and development of all players.  There are over 100 players in Initiation that will be divided in to the three groups:  Fundamentals, Learn to Play and Pre-Novice.  Every effort will be made to place your child in the appropriate division based on their development and there could be changes to their placement up until Mid-November if evaluated differently after the initial ice times.  Please note that birth year or division played last year does not automatically determine which division they will be placed in this year, it is based completely on the overall skill and developmental level of the entire group being evaluated.  If your child plays in the same division two years in a row, that is not a reflection that your child has not progressed, it is only a reflection that the division that they have been placed in this year is best suited to foster their development and is at a higher skill level.   Following the evaluations,  you will receive an email to indicated which division your child will be participating in moving forward.   Once you know your division, please follow the website for your ongoing ice times and check regularly, as occasionally there are changes or cancellations of ice times due to other events at the WRC. The ice times for our Initiation Program are:   Fundamentals 7-8 am Sat mornings and Thursdays 4:30- 5:30 pm Learn to Play Saturday 8-9 am and Tuesday 4:30-5:30 pm Pre-Novice Sunday 12-1pm and Tuesday 4:30-5:30 pm 

The Initiation Program is based on teaching the children the basics of skating, passing, shooting and that will be the focus of all practices.  In January, Fundamentals will participate in some scrimmages within their division, Learn to Play will participate in some exhibition games and possibly a tournament in January and Pre-Novice will participate in up to 12 exhibition games and 2 tournaments starting after December 1st, based on the overall skill of the team, but the basic skills of skating, passing and shooting will be the main priority of the program. (This may include additional team fees for participation in tournaments)   **Full hockey equipment is required and all boys must wear mouth guards.

Again Please let Rob and I  know ASAP if you are interested in Coaching a team or becoming an on ice helper this coming year and we can let you know the requirements to get on the ice.   [email protected]  and [email protected]   Any other questions let me know ……. Thanks
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