Tournament Rules, New Hamburg Holiday Classic (New Hamburg Hockey Association)

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New Hamburg Hockey Association Tournament Rules

1. This tournament is sanctioned by the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA). As such, OMHA rules and regulations apply.
2. By submitting your application your players, their parents and/or guardians, and team officials release the New Hamburg Hockey Association from any liability for injury or accident going to or from or during the tournament. Also, by submitting your application you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Tournament Rules.
3. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to make all decisions regarding tournament rules/regulations or protests. All such decisions are final.
4. The team manager must register their team at the registration desk at least 1hr prior to their first game.
5. The Tournament Committee requests all team officials help keep the dressing rooms tidy after each game as there is little time to clean between games.

1. Each team will play round-robin games to determine which teams move on to semi-final play. Winners of the semi-final games will advance to the championship game.
2. In round-robin play teams will be awarded:
a. 2 points for a win
b. 1 point for a tie
c. 0 points for a loss
3. If a team fails to complete a game, a score of 3 to 0 will be recorded for the game with the winner being the team that was available to complete the game.
4. Tie-breaking of round-robin standings will be based, in order, on:
a. If 2 teams are tied;
i. The head-to-head record involving the 2 teams.
ii. The best ratio of goals for / goal for + goals against.
iii. The team with the least goals allowed in all round-robin games.
iv. A toss of the coin by Tournament Director or designate.
b. If 3 or more teams are tied;
i. The best ratio of goals for / goal for + goals against.
ii. The team with the least goals allowed in all round-robin games.
iii. A toss of the coin by Tournament Director or designate.

1. All referee decisions are final. No decision will be overturned by the Tournament Committee.
2. Teams must be ready to play up to 15 minutes prior to scheduled game time.
3. The home team for each game will be as designated in the tournament schedule. In the event of a jersey conflict the home team will change jerseys.
4. Team officials and injured players attending the players’ bench must not cross the ice to get to their bench or to leave their bench.
5.  Teams may enter the ice and the 3-minute pre-game warm-up will begin when referees enter the ice. Buzzer will sound at 30 seconds left in the warm-up to begin collecting pucks and ready for the game.
6.  All teams shake hands before the game.
7.  All games will be 10-10-10 stop time periods for round-robin games. 10-10-15 for semi- finals and championship games.
8. There will be no time-outs in round-robin games. Each team will get one time-out for semi-final and championship games.
9. The clock will switch to run time after a 5-goal differential in the 3rd period only. Stop time will resume if the differential is reduced to 3 goals. All penalties in run time will be 1.5 times the assessed infraction. Run time will start at the puck drop following the goal creating the 5-goal differential and will stop when the referee signals the goal creating the 3-goal differential. Penalty times on the clock at the start or end of run time will not be adjusted to reflect the change in time protocols, they will run out according to the running of the clock. If there is an injury in run time, the clock will stop at the whistle for the injury and resume at the following puck drop.
10. No overtime will be played during round robin play. Round robin games ending in a tie will be recorded as a tie.

1. Semi-final and championship games will be 10-10-15.
2. Each team will be allowed one time-out per game. Time-outs can be taken during regulation time only. No time-outs allowed in overtime. If time out is called during run time, the clock will stop until the puck is dropped to resume play.
3. If the score is tied at the end of regulation time teams will play a 3-on-3 5-minute stop time sudden victory overtime period.
a. Teams do not change ends for the overtime period.
b. Players must change on the fly. No player changes allowed during stoppage of play.
c. Penalties will continue into the overtime and result in a man advantage (e.g. 4-on-3). Teams will reduce to 3-on-3 again at the first stoppage of play after a penalty has expired.
4. If still tied after 3-on-3 period, a shoot-out will occur with players shooting simultaneously. 3 shooters per team will shoot and any required shooters past the original 3 will be sudden victory. Any player serving an unexpired penalty at the end of overtime may not participate in the shootout. No player shall shoot more than once until the entire roster has shot.

1. Coaches of teams participating in the championship games must inform their players and parents of these protocols.
2. Upon completion of the game, all player helmets are to remain buckled up while on the ice.  Players are to leave their sticks on the player’s bench and line up on their respective blue line for the awards ceremony. 
3. Only players in skates and helmets and team staff registered on the game sheet for the championship game are permitted on the ice. Spectators are not permitted on the ice but are welcome to take photos from the stands, doorways, or walk around the ice to the players’ benches.  Only coaching staff on the game sheet are permitted on the ice.
4. The Tournament Director will invite the team coach to call each player’s name to receive their award starting with the runner-up team and then the championship team.  After receiving, players will shake hands or give fist pumps with the other team members on the opposite blue line and return to their blue line.  The runner-up team is then permitted to exit the ice surface while the championship team receives the championship trophy.  

1. This tournament is meant to be fun. Any Player/Team Official/Parent/Fan found to be
making a travesty of the game or abusive toward any tournament official, referee, timekeeper, referee, team official, player and/or spectator may be expelled from further tournament participation and may be asked to leave the premises.