Dec 16, 2013 | Kenn Fairhall | 667 views
Better Effort in Loss vs Woolwich LL4
The Atom LL1 Huskies came up with a much better effort against Woolwich LL4 than when they first met a few weeks ago in St Jacobs.
It was a completely new look team which took the ice Sunday to meet the visiting Woolwich Wildcats LL4 squad this time around. Back in November, an inexperienced Huskies were overwhelmed in an exhibition game up in syrup country, chasing around a well-running offensive machine in the Wildcats and coming away with a mild case of sunburn from our red light. This time, however, the boys showed much advancement and maturity coming from hard work and commitment to progressing in skills and hockey sense. We could have played better for sure, but all positive when measured against that first meeting. We definitely have made big strides in a short period and hope that trend continues. Another busy stretch to come as we have four games in eight days starting Sunday, when we finally play fellow LL2 Huskies for the first time this year. no Huskies Hammer award this week as the staff didn't feel any one player stood out against the rest as the award demands so the boys have been challenged to step up and claim it in the coming game(s).